“Why Should We Hire You?” How to Address This Question Right

“Why should we hire you?” is a question that is almost always asked during an interview. If you’re not prepared, it can put you in an awkward position, which you definitely don’t want. That’s why it’s important to know what you should answer.
There are many other questions that may be asked during an interview. Prepare as much as possible and have a broad understanding of who the employer is looking for to answer questions properly.
8 Ways to Answer The Question “Why Should We Hire You?”
When you’re asked this question, here’s what you need to consider prior to answering it.
Show that you have the appropriate experience and skills for the job
You should emphasize that you have the proper experience and skills to do the job. Try to explain what in your experience allows you to handle the difficulties that the new job presents. A bonus would be if you point out specific problems and solutions, for example, possible problems that may arise in this position, along with solutions that you can offer.
Try to focus on those experiences and skills that are related to the job, as well as those that may be of interest to the employer in the future. Things that have nothing to do with the job should not be mentioned.
Explain why you’re the best option compared to other candidates
You should never speak poorly of anyone, but you can emphasize that you have skills or qualities that are unusual. For example, you may have had an experience that others probably didn’t have, or you may be particularly stress-resistant because you’ve faced difficult situations before, and so on.
The idea here is to give a detailed and individual presentation of yourself that is perfect for the position you’re applying for, and so unique that the employer understands that other candidates probably aren’t as good options as you.
Explain what they’re missing out on if they don’t hire you
This can be quite difficult, but try to find something that they won’t get if they don’t hire you. This should be something related to the job, preferably as important as possible for the position.
If you have special education, you should emphasize this. You can also emphasize other things that are not directly related to the position you’re applying for, but which may become important for the company in the future, such as other education or skills.
Explain what they can gain by hiring you
This is essentially the same as the previous point, but from a different perspective. In addition to explaining what they’ll lose if they don’t hire you, you should also emphasize what they can gain by hiring you.
You can mention the same things as when explaining what they’ll lose if they don’t hire you, but here you highlight all the positive aspects they can get with you as an employee.
Show enthusiasm and eagerness
Show your energy. Explain why you’re excited and want this job. For example, you may emphasize that you’ve dreamed of this position since childhood, or that you have specific interests that fit very well with the position you’re applying for.
The more enthusiasm and passion you show, the more chances you have of getting the job you’re applying for.
Explain why you want this job
This point is very related to the previous one, but in addition to showing great enthusiasm and eagerness, you should also explain in detail why you want this job. Specify details and important aspects of what the job entails. For example, if you’re looking for a sales position, you can say that you enjoy the challenge when customers consider going to competitors.
The more detailed and passionate you explain why you want this job, the more chances you have of ultimately getting it.
Be confident, but not arrogant
Being confident is good, but being too confident can have the opposite effect. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so make sure you’re on the right side.
Show that you believe in yourself and that you know what you can do, but avoid phrases like “I’m the best”, “there’s no one better than me”, and so on. Keep it at a good level.
Stay honest
The most important thing is to be honest in your answer. You should always avoid direct false statements, but also make sure that you are not exaggerating. Of course, you should emphasize your strengths and skills, but do not create an image that does not correspond to reality. Do not say that you can do something if you really cannot, but also do not say that you are very good at something if you are only of average level.
It is important to choose your words correctly. You should not lie or exaggerate, but you also should not say that you are bad at something. Prioritize and focus on what you think the employer wants to hear, while focusing on your strengths.
4 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Asked A Question
The following things should be avoided when you are asked “Why should we hire you?”:
You shouldn’t give brief or unclear answers
If your answer is too short or unclear, it will immediately become clear that you were not prepared for the question and that you don’t have a good answer for it. Make sure you have prepared enough to explain everything in detail.
You shouldn’t refuse to answer or change the subject
If you don’t answer the question at all, say you don’t know or try to change the subject, it’s bad. Preparation, preparation, and more preparation.
You shouldn’t hesitate or have difficulty answering
If you clearly have difficulty answering or can’t come up with anything to say, it won’t be perceived positively. In some cases, this may be due to nervousness, but in most cases, it will be perceived as though you haven’t prepared enough or don’t know why you are the right person for the job.
Avoid giving overly general answers
It can be tempting to give a general answer like “I am qualified for this job and think I can do it well.”
5 Quick Tips For a Successful Job Interview
These tips will give you more chances for a successful interview:
Arrive on time. Being on time is always important, but it’s especially important when you’re going to an interview. If you’re late, you’re signaling that you’re unreliable and won’t show up on time in the future. If you’re not sure if you’ll arrive on time, take an earlier bus or train; it’s better to arrive early than to be late. This is an investment in your future.
Research the company and learn what it does. Try to find as much information as possible about the company and the service. Contact someone who provides similar services and ask them to tell you about what this service actually entails. Learn as if it were a test, because it is. The more you know about the company and the position, the more likely you are to make an impression during the interview. An additional bonus will be that if you get the job, you’ll be well-read even before you start working.
Be prepared for questions that may arise. The more questions you prepare, the better. The questions in this article are basic and can be answered quickly and easily, but it doesn’t hurt to practice on other questions as well. Most employers prefer to ask questions specifically related to the position they’re advertising. So you should think about what specialized questions may arise during the interview.
Don’t say anything negative about past experience or employers. This is something you should avoid at all costs. Never say anything negative about past experience or employers. Nothing will reduce your chances of winning more than this. Even if you had only a bad experience at your previous job, you should turn it into a positive or not mention it at all.
Dress appropriately for the job you’re applying for. Perhaps you shouldn’t show up in a suit if you’re applying for a job at a supermarket checkout or as a forklift driver in a warehouse. But more sophisticated clothing is welcome if you’re applying, for example, for a job at a bank or law firm. The most important thing is to dress appropriately for what suits you.