The Benefits of Mobile Working

With the advent of network digitization, work is becoming increasingly mobile. All you need to get your job done is a laptop, everything else is quite flexible nowadays. For companies, remote work can promote greater flexibility and productivity in the market competition — let’s discuss this point further.
Mobile work with the help of the digital network
As a result of digitalisation, employees can also work outside their employers without a permanent job.
As a result of digitization, employees can work outside their employers’ premises without a dedicated workplace. With mobile devices, applications, or social enterprise software, employees can transmit the results of their work to their employer from a decentralized workplace. Mobile work can be divided into different areas: work in a home office, on the go (on weekends, in cafes or public transport), and mobile within the company (open-plan offices, shared workspaces, company location changes, etc.).
Advantages of mobile work
Both employees and employers benefit from the flexibility of mobile work. Employees can work more freely and independently, and many are interested in flexible working conditions and environments. Moreover, offering a flexible working model saves commuting time and meets employees’ desires to better balance family and career.
Employers increase their attractiveness to employees by offering flexible working models, and happier employees feel more productive and committed to the company. Travel time and waiting time are eliminated, as well as office work, leading to a reduction in company costs.
Results matter
To use mobile work models, a work culture oriented towards trust and results is necessary. In the absence of an employee’s presence in the company, control of the work done should increasingly be based on the results of the work. The employer can also provide effective monitoring outside the company by introducing time and topic tracking software, with the participation of the works council required to implement these technical means.
Encouragement systems oriented towards success also exist to popularize mobile work. Trust-based work time requires higher levels of personal initiative, responsibility, and dedication from employees.
Protect data and avoid liability
Employers must take special measures to ensure data security in the workplace, even during remote work. For example, data security can be achieved through VPN connections for data transfer. To avoid cases of liability, the employer can specify the employee’s obligations when processing data in the contract.
Implementing mobile work models in practice
Innovative solutions oriented to specific companies and needs are needed to implement flexible work forms. The communication and work infrastructure must be transferred to digital end devices, with special applications, communication tools, and web applications allowing for paperless exchange of information, ordering, coordination, and processing.
Mobile work as an opportunity
The development of digitization will lead to more mobile, efficient, and networked work in the future. Employers offering flexible work models become more attractive in the struggle for skilled workers. Mobile work models provide opportunities for employees to be more flexible, perform their work more efficiently, and speed up processes.
Therefore, a management culture based on trust and results, the use of modern information and communication technologies, and early involvement of employees are necessary, and the chances of mobile work will exceed the chances for both employees and employers.